Sauna safety rules

Sauna safety is a priority! Here are a few rules to keep in mind:

  1. Hydration
    Remember to stay well-hydrated before entering and after leaving the sauna. Sweating can lead to fluid loss.
  2. How much time should be spent in the sauna?
    The time spent in the sauna depends on individual preferences, experience, and overall health condition. Beginners usually start with shorter sessions, for example, 5-10 minutes, and then gradually extend the time as they get accustomed. Experienced sauna-goers may opt for longer sessions, but it's important to listen to the body's signals and avoid overheating. The ultimate time spent in the sauna should be comfortable and enjoyable for the individual.
  3. Rest
    After leaving the sauna, take a break for at least as long as you spent inside. It's crucial to give your body time to regenerate and return to homeostasis.
  4. Avoid using the sauna alone
    Try not to use the sauna alone so that someone can assist you if needed.
  5. Precautions
    Avoid using the sauna if you are under the influence of alcohol or if you have health problems that you haven't discussed with a doctor.
  6. Temperature
    Always adjust the sauna temperature to your comfort and experience level.
  7. Common sense
    Listen to your body. If you feel unwell, leave the sauna and rest.

Powyższe wskazówki są wynikiem doświadczenia oraz podstawowej wiedzy o saunowaniu. Jeśli nigdy nie byłeś/aś w saunie, albo uczęszczasz rzadko, zraziłeś/aś się – nie martw się, jesteśmy zdania, że prawie każdy może saunować, ważne jest to, żeby znaleźć sposób, który odpowiada nam i sprawia, że czujemy się w saunie jak najlepiej. Są różne rodzaje saun i każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie.

If you're unsure whether to choose a traditional sauna, BIO, infrared, or steam room for yourself, feel free to reach out to us. We'll be happy to provide advice!

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