AYOU - One of a kind, saunas created with passion.
Welcome to the AYOU SAUNAS website, where we combine our passion for saunas with our love for architecture and beauty. As a sauna manufacturer, we specialize in creating exclusive garden saunas that harmoniously combine design, functionality and luxury in one exceptional product. Our company, born from family tradition, has its roots in the heart of Krakow - a city that has inspired artists and architects for centuries, and today also inspires us to create innovative solutions in the sauna industry.
AYOU - One of a kind, saunas created with passion.
Welcome to the AYOU SAUNAS website, where we combine our passion for saunas with our love for architecture and beauty. As a sauna manufacturer, we specialize in creating exclusive garden saunas that harmoniously combine design, functionality and luxury in one exceptional product. Our company, born from family tradition, has its roots in the heart of Krakow - a city that has inspired artists and architects for centuries, and today also inspires us to create innovative solutions in the sauna industry.
At AYOU, we understand that everyone has individual needs. That's why we offer a variety of sauna models and sizes, ensuring you can find the perfect solution for your lifestyle.
Our products are a blend of proven technology, craftsmanship, and aesthetics, ensuring unforgettable experiences for you, your family, and friends.
Experienced garden saunas manufacturer
Since we started our adventure with building saunas in 2004, we knew that we wanted to provide our customers with something more than just a space to relax. A garden sauna from AYOU SAUNAS is a place where the body and mind find true peace, and every moment spent in it becomes an unforgettable experience. Thanks to years of experience, we can now offer products that are a combination of elegance and modernity.

Sauna design at the highest level
AYOU SAUNAS to dla nas coś więcej niż tylko praca – to nasza pasja. Każdy etap tworzenia naszych saun jest przemyślany i starannie zaplanowany. Projektowanie saun to dla nas nie tylko zadanie, ale prawdziwa przyjemność. Jako entuzjaści saunowania, doskonale wiemy, jak ważne są często pomijane detale, które wpływają na komfort i jakość korzystania z sauny. Przykładamy ogromną wagę do takich elementów, jak np. odpowiednia wentylacja w saunie. Wiemy, że to ona odgrywa kluczową rolę w zapewnieniu optymalnych warunków dla zdrowia i komfortu naszych klientów, wpływając jednocześnie na całościowe doświadczenie podczas saunowania.
Garden saunas from the manufacturer
AYOU SAUNAS to marka skoncentrowana na projektowaniu i produkcji saun ogrodowych. Naszym celem jest stworzenie różnorodnych serii saun, które staną się fundamentem naszej oferty, dostarczając wyjątkowe produkty do ogrodów naszych klientów. Jednocześnie, dla tych, którzy pragną stworzyć coś absolutnie unikalnego, oferujemy program indywidualny, który stwarza niemal nieograniczone możliwości pod względem designu i wyposażenia. Dzięki temu możemy wspólnie z klientem zaprojektować i stworzyć saunę, która będzie doskonale odpowiadać jego potrzebom i upodobaniom.
Modern design and premium materials
As a manufacturer of garden saunas, we dynamically develop our offer, constantly introducing new models of saunas, stoves and accessories. Our products are distinguished not only by their modern design, but also by their high quality of workmanship. In the creation process, we use many premium materials, but abachi wood, also known as ayous, holds a special place in our hearts. It is from this unique material that our company's name comes - AYOU SAUNAS.
Garden saunas - luxury and elegance in your garden
Our garden saunas are not only a space for relaxation, but also a place that can become an integral part of your garden, bringing an element of luxury and elegance to it. We are ready to implement even the most demanding and unusual projects that present us with new challenges. Functionality and aesthetics are our priority and drive us to constantly expand our knowledge and offer.
We deliver our garden saunas not only in Poland but also throughout Europe, including the UK, and we are ready to go even further so that our products can please customers in every corner of the world! Each of our saunas is carefully designed and manufactured with the highest quality standards in mind, making AYOU SAUNAS synonymous with luxury you can afford.
You can relax
Proven technology
We focus on proven solutions with a modern twist. We are constantly testing and improving our products so that you can enjoy the sauna atmosphere as best as possible.
AYOU SAUNAS is our latest project, but as a family company we have been producing saunas for over 20 years, so we can guarantee the highest quality of our products.
Natural materials
The materials used in the construction of saunas come from natural and proven sources, thanks to which the time spent in the sauna relaxes not only the body but also the mind.
Local production
Saunas are produced in Poland. We place great importance on using materials that are proven and durable, mostly sourced from European manufacturers.