Sauna and the immune system: How regular sauna bathing affects the body's ability to fight infections

Did you know that a sauna not only relaxes you, but also brings numerous benefits to your physical and mental health? Sauna bathing is a practice that has a long history and is an integral part of many cultures around the world. Today we want to share why it is worth introducing sauna into your daily routine for a healthy lifestyle and how to do it in practice.

Żyjemy w dynamicznym świecie, gdzie tempo życia często sprawia, że zapominamy o ważnych elementach zdrowego trybu życia. Jednym z najbardziej niedocenianych, a zarazem skutecznych sposobów dbania o siebie jest saunowanie. Sauna to nie tylko relaksująca czynność, ale także potężne narzędzie zdrowotne, które można łatwo włączyć do codziennej rutyny. Oto kilka wskazówek, jak wprowadzić saunowanie do swojego zdrowego trybu życia:

Start small

If you are a sauna beginner, start with short sessions. Over time, you can gradually increase the time you spend in the sauna. However, remember to listen to your body and avoid overheating.

Find the right sauna

There are many types of saunas, such as Finnish, infrared and steam saunas. Find the one that best suits your preferences and needs.


To get the full health benefits of sauna, it is worth doing it regularly. Include a sauna in your weekly schedule, e.g. after training or in the evening before bed.

Remember to hydrate before and after sauna. Drinking enough water will help compensate for fluid loss during a sauna session.

Combine with other activities

Sauna bathing can be perfectly combined with other wellness activities, such as stretching, massage or bathing in a bathtub with mineral salts.

The sauna is not only a physical recovery, but also a mental one. Use the time spent in the sauna to relax, meditate or read.


Sauna bathing can become an integral part of your daily wellness ritual, supporting your healthy lifestyle. However, remember to listen to your body and adapt your sauna sessions to your individual needs. Health and well-being are a priority, and a sauna can be a great tool on the way to achieving them.

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