How to use sauna correctly?

In one of our previous posts, we shared insights on how to prepare for a sauna session. Today, we'll expand on the topic by discussing how to make the most of your sauna experience during the session.

  1. Do not go to sauna alone
    Despite the sauna being a place for relaxation and rejuvenation, it's an activity that strongly stimulates our bodies, and there's a chance that someone may faint or feel unwell. That's why we always advise using the sauna with someone, especially if you are a beginner or infrequent sauna user.

  2. Session time
    Adjust the time spent in the sauna to your preferences and experience level. Beginners should start with shorter sessions, such as 5 minutes. As you become more comfortable, feel free to gradually extend the time.

  3. Rest
    After a sauna session, cool down your body and hydrate by drinking water. Take a break, at least as long as the time you spent in the sauna.

  4. Silence and peace
    "In the sauna, usually there is silence and tranquility. Respect other sauna-goers and avoid noisy behaviors."

  5. Be mindful of your health
    If you have health issues, consult with a doctor before using the sauna.

  6. Common sense
    Listen to your body. If you feel unwell, leave the sauna and rest.

  7. Hydrate
    After sauna, continue to drink water to replenish lost fluids.

  8. Using water bucket
    In some saunas, there is a water bucket available that can be used to pour water on the stones. Make sure no one minds the stones being watered on, as increased humidity can raise the perceived temperature in the sauna. If anyone feels uncomfortable with this, wait until they leave the sauna or ask them to move to a lower bench where the temperature is lower.

  9. Stretching
    Sauna ogrodowa może być doskonałym miejscem do delikatnych ćwiczeń rozciągających. Wykorzystaj ciepło, aby poprawić elastyczność mięśni. Unikaj szybkich ruchów.

  10. Respect others' personal space
    In the sauna, it's important to maintain a proper distance between yourself and others. Give enough space to allow everyone to feel comfortable.

We hope these tips will be useful for you!

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