Sauna hygiene

In previous posts, we've already mentioned that sauna hygiene is important. Today, we would like to remind you of a few key rules that are worth following:

  1. Shower
    Before entering the sauna, be sure to take a shower. This is a fundamental step to cleanse the skin from sweat, bacteria, and cosmetics.

  2. Jewelry
    Make sure you are not wearing any earrings, as they can heat up and burn the skin.

  3. Contact lenses
    Remove contact lenses – unfortunately, contact lenses can excessively dry out and irritate the eyes during sauna sessions.

  4. Hair
    Do not wet your hair before entering the sauna! Wet hair is more prone to damage. Additionally, you can protect it with a sauna hat or turban.

  5. Towel
    In the sauna, use a towel. This way, you will avoid direct contact with the wood, and it will not absorb your sweat.

  6. Keep things tidy
    Do not leave anything in the sauna.

  7. Cooling down the body
    After leaving the sauna, take another shower and cool down. This will help wash away any remaining sweat from your body.

Pamiętaj, że higiena w saunie nie tylko zapewnia komfort innym korzystającym, ale także wpływa na Twoje zdrowie. Bądź odpowiedzialny i ciesz się korzyściami, jakie sauna ogrodowa ma do zaoferowania!

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